Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Most Precious Jewels Around Your Neck..

The most precious jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.

13 Days 19 Hours and 9 Minutes until Spring. We got through another day of inside fun. Besides running a few errands that did not require us to get out of the truck (surprisingly we were dressed and not in our pjs) we kept busy around the house. Stella gets bored very easily...what do you expect from a 5 month old? So I try my best to keep things fresh...and goofy. We rotate through activities pretty quickly. 

Stella has been mesmerized by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse lately. She loves the vibrant colors and songs that they sing. She will literally sit all by herself and watch Mickey. 

Today I thought I would be daring and bake a cake for us to decorate. While she napped I baked the cake and let it cool so it was ready to decorate when she woke up. I chose just a plain vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream frosting. 

 Oh yea, we took it to the extreme and added sparklers to our finished product. She was so mesmerized by the sparklers, that I lit a few extras just for her to watch.

I can't remember the last time I put a puzzle together. What was suppose to be us putting a puzzle together, quickly turned into Stella eating the puzzle pieces, throwing them on the floor and then Momma picking them up.  What a fun game?! NOT! 

 Did I hear 40s for the weekend? Cheers to that!

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