Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Adorable things...

As much as I would love for time to stand still, Stella is so much fun these days. I can truly count on her for a good laugh everyday. I feel like every time I turn around she is doing something new. I will soon be writing Stella's six month update (can't believe I am writing about 6 months already), but wanted to share some of those 'make mama proud' things that she is doing lately...

Stella is sitting up all on her own! It makes reading and playing with her so fun. She reaches for toys and grabs her feet all the time.
If that's not a mini Rick, I don't know what is! :)

Momma and Daddy love Stella kisses. I will take infinity of her open mouth kisses please! And I am sure Daddy would too. 

When it comes to fruit, Stella is just like her Momma. She has not turned a single fruit away! Since my poor babe is teething, I have been freezing chunks of different fruits and putting them in her handy dandy mesh teether! She holds them all by herself and goes to town on them. She gives them back to me when they are just a hot pile of mush!

Her hands are always exploring. Stella and Daddy were laying on the floor watching Mickey together. When I looked down Stella had her hand in his hair and kept running the strands through her fingers.  it really warmed my heart...Of course when she got a nice full hand full she tugged! 

Stella is so intrigued by Eleanor. Maybe it's because Ellie has one of those only a mother could love face, and smell I might add :) She tries to reach for her when near and loves leaning against her back with her hands grabbing onto her fur. Ellie returns the gesture with licks all over her face with her yummy hot breath! It looks to be the beginning of a great friendship :) 

Time sure does fly by when you're having fun...

We have some Easter crafts that we will be sharing very soon!

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