Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Pure Sweetness with a Side of Hilarious

"Mommy, you are so cute I could just eat you up..." says a little three year old I know.

Seriously, she kills me. The things that come out of her mouth...more than half of them literally stop me in my tracks. Like I said before this pregnancy has been so much fun because she truly understands that there is an actual baby boy growing in my belly. She talks about him all the time in pure excitement. She tells me how much she is going to love him, take care of him, feed him, change him, and rock him to sleep. It is the sweetest thing ever. She loves to touch my belly and feel him move around and every now and then asks me if she can sing to him. And it's not Shake it Off or Bang Bang thank goodness- the song choice is usually You are My Sunshine! 

I am headed somewhere funny with this post even with all of this sweetness. 

Just the other day Stella and I's conversation went something a little like this:

Stella: Mommy, look!! as she lifts up her shirt to show me her belly I have a baby in my belly too!
Me: You do?? 
Stella: Yes! And it's a girl. Feel- she is really kicking.
Me: As I touch her belly Oh my!! 
Stella: She is going to come out in a couple months! I am going to be the best Mommy in the world.

She is growing up so fast and time is definitely not slowing down. I watch her and at times see a total mini me. The way she plays at my make up vanity and pretends to put on make up, to some and I mean some!! of the outfits that she picks out, to the way she takes care of her baby doll; I see so many of the things that I do with Ricky. 

Three years old is oh so sweet. And effing hilarious.

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