Thursday, March 27, 2014

Her smiles make my day...

I feel like Target was calling all Mommies and new babies this morning. Stella and I ran to Target to pick up a few household staples (paper towels, dish soap..those kinds of things..and a Starbucks caramel flan latte of course) and everywhere I turned, I saw a Mommy either pushing a stroller with a teeny tiny baby in it or carrying a wee thing while the Daddy pushed the stroller. It was crazy how many babies I saw today...and then I look at Stella....sitting in her shopping cart cover for the first time....

...I feel like it was just yesterday I was pushing a newborn in a stroller. She loved sitting in the shopping cart..everything about it. She was more free to squirm, able to play with her toys that clipped on, and she could look around and see everything! She was all smiles. These covers are one of the best things...a new favorite of mine :) They cover the entire front portion of the shopping cart, so the baby doesn't come in contact with any part of it! 

I was just about done checking off my short list when I thought we would take a stroll down the Disney toy isle and ....we spotted Mickey. These pictures can tell the rest of the story....

So we bought Mickey and brought him home... some of these pictures are a bit blurry because she couldn't contain her excitement...


Stella loves Mickey...

The best purchase today....Mickey was worth every smile and giggle! Her smiles just make my day!