My Favorite Go To Recipes

The Classic Treat Jar Trail Mix

This is a great quick treat because you can tweak it to suit your fancy :) It works great as a gift or as favors. Who doesn't love food as a favor? You can fill some clear cellophane party bags and tie with ribbon or you can fill mason jars! Rick and I always have our hands in the treat jar! 

You Will Need:
1 Bag of Popped Popcorn
2-3 cups of Pretzels (I use pretzel sticks)
1 cup of Wheat Chex Cereal
1 bag of chocolate to melt ( I either use almond bark because it dries quicker and harder, or Nestle Premier white chocolate chips)
Handful of fun sprinkles!
Parchment Paper

1. Pop your Popcorn in the microwave
2.  Lay out your parchment paper on the counter- I usually do two pieces side by side.
3. Spread out your popcorn on the parchment paper and pick out any popcorn kernels that did not pop! They are tooth breakers!
4. Add your pretzels and Chex cereal on top ( or any other ingredients you choose. Now that they make almost every chocolate bar in mini bite size pieces, they would work great!) Mix and Spread as you please. 
5. Melt your chocolate using the instructions on the packaging. 
6. Drizzle your melted chocolate over the popcorn mixture; I usually use a spoon. Add your sprinkles quickly because you do not want your chocolate to harden! LET IT BE! 
7. After the chocolate is completely hardened, break apart in pieces. 
8. ENJOY!!

I Literally eat the same breakfast EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING.   +/- turkey sausage....

Need a breakfast full of flavor and that will keep you going? Two poached eggs (sprinkled liberally with cayenne pepper...I can thank the hubby for that), 1/2 of a sauteed avocado, 1/2 of a sliced banana and 1 handful of sliced strawberries. It satisfies every taste bud!

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