Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Officially 6 months

Growing up with a small family came with it's pros and cons. Our family get-togethers were always on the smaller side which made them special. Getting together for Entemanns cake and coffee for everyones birthdays is a great memory that I carry from my childhood. (It was usually the Entemanns chocolate cake with marshmallow frosting, topped off with more crumbled chocolate cake)  I did have a sister to play with but zippo on the cousins. We made the best of each others company when we were little. I am happy that Stella is able to grow up with cousins close to her age. We had some visitors on Stella's 1/2 year birthday! Holy Cow..6 months! So we played the day away and made some special goodies...Here are some pictures from Stella's 6 month birthday!

6 Months Baby Girl....love you to the moon and back!
Sorry for the blurry pictures...the kiddos were constantly on the move!

At one point during the day, Stella and Kole were both down for an afternoon nap. So Kaden, Ashley and I made some special goodies...

She dove right in!

She only got to play in it this time, next time she will get to eat it!

The kiddos woke up this morning ready to play some more....

It was a story reading, hugs and kisses, on the move, goodie making, toytastic kind of sleepover! Happy 6 months baby girl!

Tomorrow is Stella's 6 month appointment! So excited to find out her current stats! Her 6 month update is soon to come! :)

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