Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Countdown is on!

14 Days 18 Hours 58 Minutes and 50 Seconds until Spring!! But who's counting?! I continue to put my creative crafty side into high gear making the best of the mornings and afternoons spent inside. Stella is teething so we have swings of crankiness throughout the day. Our crafts and activities are sometimes started and not finished until later that day. I needed a craft that we could make with things that I had around the house, I didn't want to have to run out. I laid out the materials during her morning nap so when she woke up, we got right to crafting after her feeding. Since Easter is coming, I figured we would make bunnies with doodoo paper rolls.

Stella and I named them Mopsy and Flopsy!
After our bunny craft, we practiced our ABCs and writing Stella's name. 

And than we did more ABC's...


Crankiness, crappy catnaps, being clingy all come with the teething territory. Stella has been the queen of catnaps the past two days.  I took advantage of her being clingy and had some quality snuggle time with her....Now that we have the crib blues under control, and she is loving her crib, I love sneaking a snuggle sleep here and there. 
I can watch her sleep in my arms all day long...
I then decided I would let Stella explore her curiosity in front of the mirror. No headbutts this time, but much more excitement. 

And then we were back in the kitchen trying out a new recipe for energy protein bites...packed full of old fashioned rolled oats..and other goodness :)

More activities planned for tomorrow :)

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