Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Best Birthday

29 Years Young! Birthday flowers from my two loves. 
    The older you get the more you realize the important things in life. They are not wrapped birthday presents, or anything tangible for that matter but they are family, friends, making memories with loved ones and just spending quality time.

    Technically this was my second birthday as a Momma, but the first with her outside of my belly. I couldn't of asked for a better day. The relaxing, low key day was spent with my two best buds. I really lucked out having the hubby home for the day because of the anticipated snow storm.  The trusty trio began our day with a poached egg and fruit breakfast that Daddy cooked :) We spent the morning engaging in some quality playtime with the munchkin and Eleanor as we decided on a game plan for the day.

We enjoyed lunch at Panera where Stella stuck her whole hand in my salad and grabbed a handful of lettuce, saved just in time! Time to keep eyes on those little hands at all times! Her grip is something else. Our pterodactyl decided to make an appearance at Panera Bread.  I love that she is so intrigued by hearing her own voice.
Happy times at Panera Bread

    We packed up the tribe and to BJs we went. Rick and I haven't shopped there in quite sometime, so we felt like two kids in a candy shop (or liquor store in his case..haha) Stella fell asleep in the kangaroo pouch as we loaded up the cart.
   On the way back from the store I captured these beautiful pictures on a road right next to our home.

      Back at home, Rick and I caught up on our DVR'd shows as Miss Stella went down for the rest of her nap. Nothing is better than lounging in sweats with the one you love most...and hot gooey chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. They beat any birthday cake. Yup! Rick was Betty Crocker for the day. I ate one too many cookies. While Rick baked, I got to baby food making. Need to use nap time productively!
     During dinner (which Rick convinced me not to cook and to get take out instead, I did have good intentions) Stella gave her first greens a whirl....Green beans it was! This girl will eat anything, I couldn't shove it in fast enough. :)

We wrapped up the day with tubby time. 

I love these two with every fiber of my being....Thank you for the best birthday. xoxo

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