Sunday, March 23, 2014

She's a Natural!

Saturday was beautiful. Spring finally decided to make it's debut...or NOT! A chance of a nor'easter Tuesday? What?? 

Another great weekend :) We found ourselves back at the dollar stop at Target later in the week looking for another Easter craft! On Friday our Easter egg decorating craft turned more into a sticker party! As I said before, Stella loves Mickey so I couldn't pass up some Mickey stickers! I found these cracked foam eggs that I thought we would decorate with stickers, glitter glue, cotton pom balls, and more! Now that they are all dry I was going to attach them to twine and make us Easter garland. :) Special homemade decorations are the best :) Here are some pictures of us crafting...


While our craft was drying it was a baby food making party! Just like her Momma, she loves to lick the spoon!

An then? Outside for some sunshine!

Saturday brought in some more sunshine! It was a nice day and we were able to get outside for some of it! Stella took her first ride on Daddy's tractor. Let me just add that she is a natural! She grabbed the steering wheel like she had done this a million times before. 

A few more pictures from Saturday afternoon...

We got to spend some extra cozy time in bed Sunday morning. Love just lounging around with these two :)

I am so bittersweet about my next post. Tomorrow is Stella's 6 month...1/2 of a year old post! This means that Stella is going to be closer to 1 year old than newborn. I am in such denial that time has gone by this fast. My little pip squeak is going to be 6 months....

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