Saturday, March 8, 2014


When you tell people that your pregnant, you typically get some sort of response about sleep like enjoy your sleep while it lasts, or you can kiss sleep goodbye, or get ready for the sleepless nights or something along those lines. I don't ever really remember sleeping in a deep sleep for an entire night even before Stella, except if I was tippin' a few cocktails the night before :) It's different now waking up during the night. Waking up for her, to change her, to feed her, to soothe her, makes waking up worth it. I'll be honest and say waking up to pump, flat out sucks! Trying not to fall asleep while your tatas are being sucked by a fun! She makes waking up at night all worth it. It truly is amazing how one can function as if they got a full night sleep with getting little sleep. Whether I sleep more or less one night, the next day is just as good, just as full of activities, just as fun. I know she counts on me to play, to keep her dry, to snuggle, to anything! It's weird how that tired feeling just goes out the window when our day begins. So as many times as you hear that sleep is...well, let's just say screwed, it's not. It's what you make of it. I know there is a little being counting on me to fulfill my Momma duties...and somehow the body can do just that on however much sleep you physically get.

Sleep, I love you...but I Love her More. 

Let's mark the date...first time sleeping through the night (not including the night after getting her 4 month shots, that doesn't count) March 7th!

Let me just add, I watched the monitor waiting for her to wake up..I am not used to her sleeping through the whole night...I waited until the sun came up.

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