Thursday, March 13, 2014

Everything Green

We are living a life of green this week. I don't want to rush time, but I am excited for when Stella can help me make these treats and eat all of them with me :) I keep her involved as much as I can these days, letting her take tiny tastes, playing with whatever baking utensils I am using, whatever it takes to make it fun for her. Her curiosity is shining lately and I love it! Saint Patrick's day isn't all about the shots of Jameson and pounding those green beers anymore; it's more along the lines of green onsies, green headbands and changing green shit diapers. :) But, it's all good! Back to living the life of green! We have made it a point to have something green each day so far this week! We still have more in the works but I will share what we have made so far...

Grapesicles! Can't wait to try this with other fruits!

You know me and and my infused water :) This one is cucumber lemon lime mint. 

Green & Rainbow chocolate pretzels

Chocolate dipped marshmallows with green sprinkles!
Green rice krispie treats. One of my favs. They would probably be even better with Lucky Charms!

I am loving Stella's St. Patty's Day headband!

All of these green treats are super easy. We have a few more to make over the next few days, and I can't wait to share them!  

“For each petal on the shamrock
This brings a wish your way -

Good health, good luck, and happiness

For today and every day.”

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