Sunday, March 16, 2014

Our Weekend...

Weekends always tend to fly by. Whether we are out and about or just lounging around with family, Monday morning arrives too quickly. This weather is so unpredictable day it's nice and the next we are living in the arctic again. This weekend was a big weekend for Stella. She indulged in her own first breakfast. Each morning I share my avocado with her, but she is now eating her own breakfast! She will be having 1 ounce of fruit, with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal each morning from now on. We started with her favorite, pears!

Stella is loving Mickey these days, like neck wrenching at the sound of Mickey's voice loving it. As I got myself ready to run out for the day with her, I put her in her bouncy chair and she was happy as a clam just watching Mickey. Yes, I still seem to slab make up on 100 miles an hour. When I was done, this is what a found...

so my plan of getting out by 11 a.m. turned into 1 in the afternoon. A well rested baby makes for a happy baby :) 

We took a ride to Home Goods in search for a few random pieces for the downstairs half bath, since we are redoing it! It is a slow moving project since the only times I have to work on it are nap times. I can honestly say I don't give a hoot that my bathroom is in will get done when it gets done. ( I would normally be all out of sorts, rushing to get it done...but nope!) After our ride to Home Goods, we did it! We went on our first walk in town of the year! It was nice but crazy windy! She had no idea that we even went on a walk because she slept through the entire walk!

After our walk, Nana came over for a sleep over! We had dinner at the Lovin Oven..yum yum! Stella had her first taste of chocolate pudding! She didn't like it...what?!?!

That bowl of pudding looks huge!

Since Sunday is St. Patty's Day Eve we had a mini family celebration. Rick made him and I St. Patty's Day cocktails. Of course mine had to be green! Very festive! Rick is becoming quite the bartender these days ;) 

I made more rainbow pretzels...they seem to be a go to snack in our home! Sweet, salty, small, and easy to pop in your mouth!

Guilty as charged....we have a 5 almost 6 month old sitting at the bar! 

Here are some other pictures that we took while hanging at our bar...

I LOVE this picture!

Saint Patrick's Day weekend wouldn't be complete without a cabbage dinner. To Grandma and Grandpa's we went for cabbage...yum yum!

Cheers to another great weekend!

I cannot believe I will soon be writing Stella's 6 month bittersweet for me. 

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