Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Happy 17 Months Sweet Baby Girl

17 months picture overload?!

Dear Stella,
      Sometimes I don't know where to begin these letters because the thoughts just want to pour out of my head quicker than I could ever organize and write them. My time home with you has been simply amazing. Being able to wake up to your sweet smile each and every morning is the best thing in the whole wide world. You are a one of a kind, and I love every single thing about you. You have taught me so much about myself these past 17 months. Some things I probably never would of learned if it weren't for you. You have honestly been my sunshine through the sad cloudy days and have even made my sunny days sunnier. You brought out inner strength that I never knew I had and always reminded me how blessed I am, even during those moments where I felt life just sucked. Thank you for that Stella. xoxo

You are an incredible little girl. You are beautiful inside and out. I hope you never get sick of hearing how beautiful you are because Daddy and I tell you that ALL the time. You are goofy and make Daddy and I laugh, sometimes uncontrollably. We are more than thankful for those moments. You are such a lover girl. I will never get tired of your kisses and hugs :) You are smart. Daddy and I are in awe sometimes at how quickly you learn things. It really takes you no time at all to pick something new up and start doing it on your own. I am so proud to be your Momma and to call you my daughter. 

The way you depend on me lights up my life. I will always do anything in my power for you, and will always always always love you dearly. Because of you I honestly feel like being a Momma is something I was suppose to do in life. 

The purpose of this blog and these letters has been all for you. For you to read when you get older. For you to look back on when you get older and see how our beautiful life story went and see how much things change over time. There are things on this blog that you will ask about I am sure. Mabel for instance. How you were becoming a big sister at just 8 months old. I will tell you about her one day when you get older. Stella you are going to be an amazing big sister. You are going to be the best teacher, leader, sharer, caring big sister there ever is. All because you are you. 

I love you sweetheart to the moon and back....never ever forget that.

All my love,


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