Thursday, December 3, 2015

Happy 4 Months Baby Boy

Dear Ricky,
I feel like you have changed so much in this past month. You are rolling over, you are grabbing things and putting them into your mouth and your reactions when people talk to you and say your name are adorable. So many times when Rick, Stella or I talk to you I feel like you try to talk back to us. I am so excited that you are here and get to enjoy this holiday season with us. It is going to be so much better because of you :) Watching you and Stella interact gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling inside. She loves you so so much and you make it known that you love her too. Happy four months baby boy. We still think you are just the perfect little addition to our family ;) 
All my Love.

Weight: a healthy 16 lbs 11 oz
Height: We will find out December 14th.
Head Circumference:  
Appetite:  You are a very efficient eater.  You are eating about 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours; same as last month. It takes you no longer than 15 minutes to nurse until empty; however it takes you much longer with a bottle. You usually wake up once a night to nurse but lately (I am blaming it on your cold) you have been waking up twice. 
Clothing Size: You are currently wearing some 3-6 month and 6-12 month clothing and you are in size 2 diapers.
Milestones: You rolled over from your belly to your back!! You are also grabbing things on your own much more and bringing them to your mouth. And when you are lounging in your swing or bouncy chair you always try to pull your upper body up to a sitting position. I am not sure whether or not the drool has anything to do with teeth...but the drool!! And we officially put you in the Einstein; your feet just touch the ground. You will be jumping before we know it! 

Thoughts:  As exhausted as I am to wake to soothe and feed you at 4:00 a.m, I am so thankful that you are laying right next to me waiting for me to do just that. 
Our routine:   Lately you have been waking up around 6:30ish(with smiles!!) and I feed you(around 7:00) while Stella is still asleep and we are still in bed. After you are done eating Stella is usually waking up for the day as well. We head out to the living room so you can play on your play mat and stretch a bit. You play until about 8ish and then take your first nap. We will be making the transition to your crib for this nap! You nurse again around 10ish and if it is bath day you take your morning bath after this feeding. Your next nap is around 11:30ish. With play and sleep inbetween your feedings are around 1:00, 4:00, and 7:30p.m. I then settle you down for bed.  I still give you a dreamfeed around 10:00/10:30p.m before I go to bed. I wake you up in our dark bedroom to feed you and change your diaper and put you right back down.  You typically wake once a night to eat between 1 and 2, but lately you have been waking up a second time around 4:00a.m. Because of your cold at the moment and all of the good antibodies in the breast milk I have been offering the second feeding when I hear you stirring at the second wake time. 
Any big changes: You took your first nap in your crib! I placed a pillow in between the mattress and the spring board so you will sleep on an incline. The acid reflux can be a beast and this should help with that. This is all very similar to what I did with Stella's crib. On another note, you had your very first cold this week. :( Since you are so little yet all I could really do was keep you as comfy as possible. Doctor appointment, warm baths, saline solution, the NoseFrida, boogie wipes and lots of snuggles. 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:
1. eating
2. you still love being carried in my the sollybaby wrap. 
3. ice cold teethers!
4. Your play kick mat and the mirror attached to it. 
5. When Stella or Mommy sings to you, especially Rudolph.
6.You love kicking your feet in the bathtub 

I find it so interesting to go back and read Stella's monthly updates as I write Ricky's. Just for the hell of it, here is Stella's 4 month update.

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