Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Lazy Saturday and Sunday Church

This weekend was a soaker. That called for lazy doings and more time spent inside. Saturday was a day spent in cozy clothes with movies, playtime, and snuggle time. Since Stella is teething, I have been able to score some extra snuggle time. During a few of her naps she's refused to sleep anywhere but in my arms...i'm not complaining...I can watch her sweet face sleep forever.  

We didn't do much on Saturday; Rick worked so it kind of felt like another weekday. We had our usual playtime and did tubby time in the big bath :) It's the closest thing I am getting to a relaxing hot bath these days...a bath full of splashing, rubber ducks and sometimes bubbles if you know what i mean!  On Saturday night, Stella and Daddy had story time down on the floor. As I was watching them, I kept noticing that Stella would look down at him as he was reading to her. I wish I could hear her thoughts....if I had to guess they would be something like...i love when Daddy reads to me...and...i would love to grab your face! 
I love how they are both looking into each other's eyes....
Sunday was a dark, rainy day that I would of loved to have stayed in my pj's and in bed nonetheless. Some of us had other thoughts....Stella was up at 6:50 a.m ready to eat and play. Rick was a true sport! We got up, had breakfast and off to church we went. Stella typically takes her morning nap during church, but today she napped before. That left me wondering how church was actually going to go since she would be awake for the whole worship. Good thing she had shoes on....she tried so hard to get those bad boys off her feet for a good portion of the time!

A few more pictures from Sunday Church day...

I have so many Easter treat and craft ideas that I am excited to do with Stella. I just ordered two small items from Crate and Barrel that will be perfect for our mini spring cupcakes, colored eggs and fresh berries! We will share as soon as we get them and put them to use! 

And....Stella officially has her Easter dress! I am on the hunt for the perfect headband! I can't wait for everyone to see it!

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