Sunday, March 9, 2014

Date Night #1

   Saturday night was Rick and I's first date night since Stella made her debut. Rick called me Friday afternoon and told me not to make plans for Saturday night because we were going out! Last year for our anniversary we tried The Ryland Inn for the first time. It was freaking fantastic! I just couldn't enjoy it as much because I was 36 weeks pregnant and the tank was full. There just wasn't enough room to fit much food and all of the cocktails on the cocktail menu were staring me down. Not this time! I ate so much, I had to roll myself out of there. Yes, I indulged in a yummy cocktail x 2! It was great getting out just us and enjoying each others company. Yes, Stella came up in conversation a few times, maybe more, but it felt great to shoot the shit about life lately and us. You do get so wrapped up in everyday life taking care of a little munchkin. Life is busy, it was nice to slow down and just relax with my hubby and slowly sip on a cocktail. :)

Our cocktails were twinsies :) Best old fashion I ever had!

My dessert was the bomb diggity! It was so pretty, I couldn't help but take a picture of it. 

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