Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Spring, where art tho?

I thought we would never see the actual yard again after all that snow! It is so nice to look out the back door and not see white EVERYWHERE. We are getting more and more excited for Spring. Some things that we are most excited for are....

We bought Stella her first fisher price swing! I can't wait to see how she likes it. Since she loves to always be on the move, I think she is going to love it! Daddy has to find the 'perfect' tree branch!
I am really looking forward to putting Stella in her spring dresses and rompers and not dressing her like an Eskimo with thousands of layers. The less the clothes, the happier she is. She especially loves her feet free of socks! A few dresses and rompers waiting to be worn...


I also can't wait to see how she likes the feel of the grass on her bare feet..her feet are so ticklish! Also looking forward to evening walks as a family in town or by the river....accompanied by a fresh fruit smoothie or ice cream cone of course!

Every fruit smoothie that I make, I now have to share ;) When she spots my bright pink, green or purple smoothie, she strains reaching for it. She definitely has the straw concept down, she just needs to learn how to suck through it enough to get whatever is in the jar!

I am looking forward to taking story time outside in the shade under a tree, her trying new fruits and veggies from our local farms, walking to the market or post office instead of driving...

Her curiosity is going to make Spring so much fun! 

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