Monday, March 31, 2014

My little sous chef...

How does it go?...A Messy Kitchen is a happy kitchen! Stella and I were back in the kitchen to freshen up the baby food shelf in the freezer. She has really been diggin' the seasonings in her food lately...especially cinnamon in her apples and sweet potatoes.

Stella has sticky hands these days...she is always reaching for ev-er-y-thing! I figured today she would be my lil' sous chef while I was making her food. I sat her on the counter in front of me and we steamed and pureed our little hearts out! She licked everything possible...fingers after being in the bowl, the spatula, the spoon, and even tried picking up the bowl to lick it clean. After each fruit or veggie was pureed and cooled, I would give her a taste and she would look at me as she was swallowing it, and say 'mmm' :) I could just eat her up!  Baby tested, mother approved!

 Childhood is for getting dirty right? Yes it is!

The Easter festivities have just begun...

What was I thinking putting all those eggs on her tray? Clearly I wasn't thinking before I did this....I ended up crawling on my hands and knees picking up 1,000+ eggs. I am sure I missed a few and will find them throughout the week. 


Let the Easter treats begin!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Lazy Saturday and Sunday Church

This weekend was a soaker. That called for lazy doings and more time spent inside. Saturday was a day spent in cozy clothes with movies, playtime, and snuggle time. Since Stella is teething, I have been able to score some extra snuggle time. During a few of her naps she's refused to sleep anywhere but in my arms...i'm not complaining...I can watch her sweet face sleep forever.  

We didn't do much on Saturday; Rick worked so it kind of felt like another weekday. We had our usual playtime and did tubby time in the big bath :) It's the closest thing I am getting to a relaxing hot bath these days...a bath full of splashing, rubber ducks and sometimes bubbles if you know what i mean!  On Saturday night, Stella and Daddy had story time down on the floor. As I was watching them, I kept noticing that Stella would look down at him as he was reading to her. I wish I could hear her thoughts....if I had to guess they would be something like...i love when Daddy reads to me...and...i would love to grab your face! 
I love how they are both looking into each other's eyes....
Sunday was a dark, rainy day that I would of loved to have stayed in my pj's and in bed nonetheless. Some of us had other thoughts....Stella was up at 6:50 a.m ready to eat and play. Rick was a true sport! We got up, had breakfast and off to church we went. Stella typically takes her morning nap during church, but today she napped before. That left me wondering how church was actually going to go since she would be awake for the whole worship. Good thing she had shoes on....she tried so hard to get those bad boys off her feet for a good portion of the time!

A few more pictures from Sunday Church day...

I have so many Easter treat and craft ideas that I am excited to do with Stella. I just ordered two small items from Crate and Barrel that will be perfect for our mini spring cupcakes, colored eggs and fresh berries! We will share as soon as we get them and put them to use! 

And....Stella officially has her Easter dress! I am on the hunt for the perfect headband! I can't wait for everyone to see it!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Her smiles make my day...

I feel like Target was calling all Mommies and new babies this morning. Stella and I ran to Target to pick up a few household staples (paper towels, dish soap..those kinds of things..and a Starbucks caramel flan latte of course) and everywhere I turned, I saw a Mommy either pushing a stroller with a teeny tiny baby in it or carrying a wee thing while the Daddy pushed the stroller. It was crazy how many babies I saw today...and then I look at Stella....sitting in her shopping cart cover for the first time....

...I feel like it was just yesterday I was pushing a newborn in a stroller. She loved sitting in the shopping cart..everything about it. She was more free to squirm, able to play with her toys that clipped on, and she could look around and see everything! She was all smiles. These covers are one of the best things...a new favorite of mine :) They cover the entire front portion of the shopping cart, so the baby doesn't come in contact with any part of it! 

I was just about done checking off my short list when I thought we would take a stroll down the Disney toy isle and ....we spotted Mickey. These pictures can tell the rest of the story....

So we bought Mickey and brought him home... some of these pictures are a bit blurry because she couldn't contain her excitement...


Stella loves Mickey...

The best purchase today....Mickey was worth every smile and giggle! Her smiles just make my day!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happy 1/2 of a year old baby girl!

6 Months...

Baby girl, you can stay little forever...

Weight: Our doctor appointment was moved to April we will update then :) Guessing just over 16 lbs!
Height: Will also update this after her doctor appointment. 

Appetite: You have tried quite a variety of fruits and veggies. Your milk intake is about 28 ounces of milk a day, along with oatmeal and a fruit for breakfast and oatmeal and a veggie for dinner. For the most part you enjoy your solids. However, there are still days that you would rather just tip back with the bottle. Some of the fruits and veggies that I have pureed for you are...apples (now with cinnamon), plums, pears, bananas, green beans, carrots, butternut squash (your favorite), sweet potatoes, green peas, and avocado. 

Clothing Size: You are still wearing most of your 3-6 month clothing. More tops than bottoms. Most of your leggings that you are wearing are 6-12 months...make room for those delicious chunky thighs :) You are also now fitting into some of your 6-12 month clothing, and still size 2 diapers!

Milestones: You are doing a lot of funny things these days. You are constantly blowing raspberries, you love to hear your own voice. You give Momma and Daddy open mouthed smooches..we love your kisses more than you will ever know, you still love to suck on your toes, you sometimes think that you are a baby bird.. if you are close by me and I put something in my mouth and chew you open your mouth and move it towards mine, you are a more confident sitter and love to sit and play, you are doing an incredible job sleeping in your crib, your toes finally touch the ground when you're in your Einstein so you're finally starting to bounce a little and the best of all? 5 nights in a row sleeping through the night! You go Stella!

Special Outings: It was another month of frigid temperatures so we spent most days inside. However, on those few days of Spring like weather we did get out. We went for walks in town, we went on a momma, daughter lunch date, you had a sleepover with Nana when Momma and Daddy had a night out, and you met Chaps and Elvis- Grandma and Grandpop's horses, and we madde frequent visits to the dollar stop at Target! 

Thoughts: Stella..don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle. 

Our routine:  I can say we have a solid routine now and your naps and bedtime are pretty predictable. You are like clockwork. Of course we have off days now and then, but who doesn't? You first awake between 4-6 for an early morning feeding. After that feeding, you back to sleep until 7- 7:30. Your raspberries that I hear on the monitor are what wake me up and it's better than any alarm! Sometimes I let you play in your crib for a few minutes before heading up to your room. We eat breakfast together at the kitchen table...breakfast is always better on the weekends because Daddy is there with us. After breakfast we play for a bit and watch Mickey. We read  books on your play mat, you sit up by yourself and play, and you play in your Einstein. You are ready for your first nap between 8:30-9. That nap is usually about an hour, an hour and a half. You awake to eat and we then have more play time, sometimes dance parties in the kitchen or I speed you around the house in your car! If we run out, this is usually the time I try to run our errands. Next nap is around noon. Another hour to hour and a half nap, and you awake to another feeding. We play until 4ish when you go down for your last nap of the day. Daddy is home when you wake up!  Dinner is at 6 and is either followed by a warm bath on bath nights or quiet playing time with Daddy and I. You have another feeding at 7-7:15. Daddy and I both tuck you in your sleep sack for the night, turn on your mobile, womb bear and star dome. We both kiss you goodnight and tell you that we love you. Lights out....and you soothe yourself to sleep. Some nights you sleep through and other nights you awake around 2 am for a feeding. You are right back to sleep after you eat.  Like I said before, you do have off days, and on those days you are the queen of catnaps..I blame those days on your teething. 

Your favorites: Tubby time..You love when Momma puts on her bathing suit and takes you in our big tub; there is so much more room for tubby toys and splish splashing, and swimming of course. You also love Momma's fruit smoothies, drinking out of my water jar, frozen fruit chunks in your mesh teether, sharing my avocado for breakfast, storytime, being naked, mango wedges, airplane on Momma and Daddy's shins, drinking out of your sippy cup even though you are still learning, your won't sleep anywhere else, have pretty strong legs, the song The Wheels on the Bus.., and you LOVE Mickey Mouse! Maybe we will be taking you to Disney sooner than we thought! 

Momma’s Favorites: Lately I have been loving my baby bjorn, it frees up my hands when we are out and about, gripe water for your hiccups and upset really is magic, the Target dollar spot for our crafts, Your Halo fleece sleep sacks..they really do keep your body nice and toasty on the frigid nights, tubby time with you in the big tub, you always like to be on the go and do not snuggle as much as you used to, so the little snuggle time that I get makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, and more than anything just being your Momma! 

Stella....I know that we tell you ALL the time..But Momma and Daddy love you to the moon and back. I love your onsie that you wore in your 6 month pictures...;)

Photos taken through the month....


Making the decision
to have a Child is
Momentous  It is to
decide to forever have your
Heart go walking
around outside your body.
-Elizabeth Stone

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Officially 6 months

Growing up with a small family came with it's pros and cons. Our family get-togethers were always on the smaller side which made them special. Getting together for Entemanns cake and coffee for everyones birthdays is a great memory that I carry from my childhood. (It was usually the Entemanns chocolate cake with marshmallow frosting, topped off with more crumbled chocolate cake)  I did have a sister to play with but zippo on the cousins. We made the best of each others company when we were little. I am happy that Stella is able to grow up with cousins close to her age. We had some visitors on Stella's 1/2 year birthday! Holy Cow..6 months! So we played the day away and made some special goodies...Here are some pictures from Stella's 6 month birthday!

6 Months Baby you to the moon and back!
Sorry for the blurry pictures...the kiddos were constantly on the move!

At one point during the day, Stella and Kole were both down for an afternoon nap. So Kaden, Ashley and I made some special goodies...

She dove right in!

She only got to play in it this time, next time she will get to eat it!

The kiddos woke up this morning ready to play some more....

It was a story reading, hugs and kisses, on the move, goodie making, toytastic kind of sleepover! Happy 6 months baby girl!

Tomorrow is Stella's 6 month appointment! So excited to find out her current stats! Her 6 month update is soon to come! :)