Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Grateful. Warning: Sappy Content


So I don't know if this is from having Stella and becoming a Momma or these crazy preggo hormones; but do you ever sit back and think about how grateful you are? Don't get me wrong there are definitely days where I am pissed off at the world and think why me? Lately, I can just stare at Stella or get so caught up in a moment when the three of us are out doing something fun, or really anything for that matter and think 'damn, things are good and I am so lucky'. Whatever we are doing, we are making memories together.  I just feel that I have so many things to be grateful for.

I have a best friend whom I have been with for almost 13 years. 13 years!! I can honestly say things still feel new. We still make each other laugh, we still act like kids together, we still flirt and be silly with one another, we still do all the things we did when we first started dating. I am so grateful to be in a marriage that feels so strong, and nothing could knock it down. Each day, I look forward to him coming home (yes, some days it's to pass over the munchkin so I can get something done :) ). Now there are two of us, waiting for him to get home. He is a great husband, and an incredible father. Any woman that wants to put their hubby up next to mine- I dare you ;) 

I have a beautiful, healthy daughter whom I would walk through fire for. Becoming a mother has been the most precious gift I could ever receive. Let's be honest, it's not all roses. The worry that comes along with it, is something I never ever prepared myself for. I really don't think anyone can prepare themselves for the worry and anxiety that comes along with becoming a parent. I am grateful for Stella. She makes me be the best I can be. Her presence has shown me who and what I am in this world. I am a mother. I am the best mother I can be. I am wife. I am the best wife I can be. I am me.  The family we have created and are still creating is something I will forever be grateful for. 


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