Sunday, August 3, 2014

Been Busy...

Life has been crazy busy lately. Well, at least that is what it feels like. Stella and I's week was full of ice cream, lunch and coffee and breakfast dates with friends and family. Friday was a special day for Stella. She got to meet her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (Rick's grandparents) for the first time. Stella stayed out late, was tippin' on milk and chowin down on pasta. For anyone that thinks the later a baby goes to sleep, the later the baby will sleep in the morning....that is NOT the case! It doesn't matter how late they go to sleep, they are still up at the ass crack of dawn. Saturday we had a baby shower and Stella was an angel the 4 hours that she had to sit in her car seat. thank the lord. Two late nights in a row... Stella is a party animal!

Sunday morning we spent a few extra minutes in bed before making our way into the kitchen for breakfast. I held off on her morning bottle because I wanted her to eat more of her oatmeal for breakfast rather than filling up on milk. Before we knew it, it was raining cheerios in our bed! I am sure I will feel a few of those suckers stuck to my skin tonight while I am sleeping. thank you miss stella. She is so cute lately when you ask her to share. But, once she starts sharing she doesn't stop. She is playing the game....hoping to get out of eating her food by getting someone else to eat it!

The bottle weaning is a bit more challenging than I had thought it was going to be. This girl is smart. One look or taste of the milk in her bottle is all it takes before she pushes it away. If it's a taste, she won't even swallow it, she lets it dribble out of her mouth. I have tried only 4 different kinds of sippy cups! I will not be defeated! ;)

I feel like a lot has changed in the past few days. We moved Stella to her booster seat at the kitchen table. So I gave the height chair a good wipe down for round two. I didn't realize how much food Stella was saving for later! Momma thought it was settling in the belly, when it was actually settling in the cracks of the seat. Ha! Anyway, it really is great having her sit at the table with us for all meals. It's easier, and she is at our level.

Apparently is was miss match day...didn't you get the memo? ;)

We bought Stella another big girl car seat for Rick's truck. We ended up buying the same one because we like it so much. I also cleaned up the infant seat for round two. Still can't believe all of these things will be filled with another little being come January. I am really thankful that I decided to go neutral with all of our baby crap. Just in case..... ;)

The playroom is coming along...sslllooowwwlllyyy. Her table is cuter than ever. Rick still has to attach the paper roll on the bottom.  I chose to hang the quote paintings in the playroom instead of Stella's bedroom. The one in the middle is of her hand and footprints! That didn't really go as planned. She definitely makes it known when she doesn't want to do something. When her hand or foot is being held and she can't move it...she get's pissed. Yes, cutting her damn toenails is a nightmare. Nearly impossible. Since birth she has always curled her toes in so tight, so her footprints, especially her right foot looks toe less. O well. :)

A few other pics from the week...

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