Monday, July 28, 2014

Random things....

Friday was such a perfect day. Stella and I had a mommy, daughter lunch date together at Jimmy's which was followed by a soft serve cone also at Jimmy's. We sat at a picnic table and enjoyed our lunch, ice cream cone and each other's company. We then went for a nice long walk around town. It was just a nice day. except for the sweat dripping down my back after our walk-nothing a quick jump in Stella's baby pool wouldn't fix ;)   It's so much more convenient if we have to or want to eat on the go we can now. Her food intake is not just pureed mushy foods from home. She enjoyed a grilled cheese while we were out to lunch on Friday. And this girl does not like to be fed; she likes to feed herself. Miss independent. 

This weekend flew by, even though it was pretty low key. Stella and I took a ride to Carter's for- yep, you guessed it- more jammies. Some of the 9 monthers are not allowing her legs to fully extend when she stretches. I can't believe I was on the hunt for 12 month pajamas. They looked so freaking big in the store. As soon as we got home I washed them so she would have a clean pair for that night, hoping they would shrink a tad. So they are a little more than a little big, but she has growing room :) Nothing looks more uncomfy than tight jammies. The feet on them look like flippers. Granted- she does have tiny feet. She is still wearing 3-6 month shoes and is no wear near growing out of them. 

Nothing is sweeter than a freshly bathed baby, slathered in baby lotion, in clean jammies. That is my jam! Simply the best. 

Our Monday morning grocery shop was another success. Thank goodness for food. Food cures any bit of boredom. Today it was Italian biscuits. I can honestly say, I don't miss shopping alone one bit. But I'm also not sure how I am going to do it with two!! It is going to be game on! I may have to call in a three ring circus. 

Dinner was great. Grilled lemon and tomato cod, with zucchini tots and steamed broccoli. When Stella and I eat fish which is usually once a week, Rick get's his red meat fix in. Anyway, dinner was great....but dessert?!

It is so funny when something like this is put in front of her. She first looks at you with that is it okay if I touch it? look. She then pokes it with one finger to test it out. i guess to make sure it doesn't bite. Then a one finger touch turns into a poke and so on. Once the mouth gets a taste of the sweetness, it's all over. She literally ate the equivalence of my one bite. It was more for the thrill- and it was such a pretty doughnut. 

The playroom's construction is underway. The room is 3/4 painted and one chair to Stella's table and chair set is painted and put together! Woohoo! Nap time is valuable lately. ;) 

Last but not least..this bath time quick pic... no words.

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