Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dining room/ Playroom Overhaul

Because I have all of this exta nonexistent time on my hands, I like to create projects for myself around the house. not really. I remember when buying our home, I was super excited to finally have a formal dining room, to find out that I would only use twice a year. If I am being honest, I think the room is a complete waste of space. Every function that we have, everyone and I mean everyone either always crams in the kitchen or hangs out downstairs in the basement  pub. Our perfectly primped living room is now happily and comfortably lived in. A messy home and a happy home! Toys everywhere! It really looks like a toy bomb when off.

For another home project...we have decided to do a dining room overhaul! Dining room to playroom. A playroom would get way more use than a dining room. And I just might get my clean living room back ;) Our dining room now, is not only dark cranberry red but striped on the bottom half, that I am sure is going to be hard  a nightmare to cover. 

I am a sucker for color in a home. I really enjoy walking into each room and being welcomed by a new color scheme. I wanted a warm neutral room that would be non-gender specific. I chose to go with a dusty soft blue shade and will do kid color accents throughout. I really have a vision for this room, that I hope I can fulfill.
The color is a bit different on the computer than on the paint swatch- but you get the idea. 

Some other items that I have my eye on to complete this dining room/ playroom overhaul is this aquarium gravel rug or this candy dot rug. I just love the fun colors in both of them. I also plan on purchasing Stella this teepee for her first birthday, which will either go in the playroom or her bedroom- not sure yet. Perfect magical place to read a book.  I also love this table and chair set from Ikea that Rick and I can put our own finishing touches on and make it a one of a kind just for Stella. 

Of course there are another million and one things I would love to get to complete this room but those are a few that I absolutely love. This is by no means going to be quick project. My free time is usually already spoken for- showering, laundry, paying bills, those kinds of things. So finding time to trim out and roll is going to be a challenge miracle!  Although, by the look of Stella's artistic skills, I may just try throwing a paint brush in her hand ;)

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