Sunday, July 20, 2014

Life Lately...

So I have been kind of absent from the blog lately. One: we have actually been pretty damn busy with pool dates and friends; two: the first trimester lethargy is a real thing. Thank goodness it's on it's way out. After playing all day with little miss, I am literally whipped when she goes to bed. Her personality has really been making my days. She is such a goofball, and full of energy. We have been on a homemade popsicle craze lately also. I think it is safe to say that peaches and cream is one of her favorites. Vanilla yogurt, a bit of almond milk, pureed peaches and a few diced peaches...yummy! Pictures are getting harder and harder to capture of Stella. She is constantly moving, and will not look at the camera. And she is not old enough to bribe yet...damn.

here is a collection of pictures lately....


Stella likes to enjoy her morning milk fix, in Daddy's spot of the bed...

enjoying big girl crackers (saltines) with Daddy in bed....i absolutely had to vacuum the bed before getting in it for the night..

peaches and cream popsicles...

playing peekaboo with her shirt...

she did it! she pulled herself up!

We have a pretty open upcoming week which is always nice. I am sure we will find some fun things to fill it with. 

One thing that I regret looking back on my pregnancy with Stella was not taking enough pictures of 'the' bump. I never knew how much I would miss it once it really was gone. I look back at few pictures from the end of my pregnancy and I forget how big my belly really was. So this time, I have made a promise to myself to take more pictures of the growing belly. Starting this week I am going to be posting one post a week documenting the journey of this pregnancy and little bean growing inside along with the growing belly!

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