Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Oh, the faces...

Stella has really been making Rick and I laugh these days. Laugh hard. What do they say? Laughing adds years onto your life? Well, at the rate we are going, we should live forever. The faces this girl makes are just comical. And she makes them all day long. Now that her top four teeth have all pretty much broken gum, it makes her goofy faces even more funny. I probably couldn't even describe the funny face if I tried- she scrunches her face, closes her eyes, shows her top and bottom teeth and blows in and out of her nose really hard. It sounds like she is going to blow out a snot rocket. Every now and then, we get lucky enough to catch a snot rocket or two. 

Everyday she seems to grow up more and more, right before me eyes. It feels like just yesterday she was a teeny tiny baby that fit in my one arm and all she did was stare and smile. In a blink of an eye, she is blowing snot rockets at me, standing on her own, making silly faces at me, talking up a storm, and practically jumping out of her baby Einstein. Honestly, where the hell does the time go?

One of our can't live without baby items is her baby Einstein jumper. She absolutely loves this thing, and I love it because she can swivel in her chair while in it, but the whole contraption is stationary. I also love it, because she is able to go buck wild and wear off some of her stored energy. Too bad she can't pass that extra energy my way...

Cheers to a What's cooking Wednesday! Today's goodies are going to be brownie peanut butter chip cookies. I'm drooling....

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