Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Big Sister in Training

Dear Sweet Stella,
    Daddy and I couldn't be more excited to watch you become the most loving, caring, encouraging big sister. Daddy and I always wanted our little ones to be close in age; to grow together, to learn together, to explore together, to understand each other, to simply be there for each other. You and  your new brother or sister will be sixteen months apart. One word- Perfect. I hope that you both become best friends, enjoy each others company, and love one another unconditionally. When I first found out I was jumping up and down with excitement. I wanted this. I was hoping for this. I then had slight guilt for thinking that I wouldn't be able to give you my full attention and full love come January. But that is not the case- at all. My heart is just getting bigger and growing by the day- I will have more love to give. You will always have my attention. You will have three of us to play with now. You will have three of us to love and love you back. 

You will always be my baby. I will always love you. I am so excited to begin this new journey with you. I will become a Momma of two and you will become a big sister. You are the perfect daughter to walk this journey with. 

I love you to the moon and back. 


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