Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I'm in denial...

Is it really so? Did I really just mark a tentative date for Stella's first birthday party? I can't believe I am looking at invitation ideas for her party or color decor ideas. I can't believe she will be ten months tomorrow. Double digits baby. I feel like she has changed so much in the past month. Holy teeth.

When Rick and I first found out we were expecting with Stella, my original plan was to stay home until she was about 6 months and go back to work at the end of March. I cannot believe I was going to miss all of the magical moments that we got to experience together. I felt very fortunate to be able to take the entire year and spend each day with her. I can't imagine a day with out her. She makes each day unique. Not only have I learned a tremendous deal about her and her personality but she has taught me so much about myself that I never knew. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I have more patients that I thought I would have. that doesn't mean that i don't loose it sometimes- it's only human right? ;)  I am not a perfect Momma, but I do my very best each day to make her happy, encourage her, keep her safe and make her laugh. let's just say, i do some pretty ridiculous stuff to get a rise out of her.

I have two months left before I have a 1 year old. i feel in complete denial over here. I have been a Momma for ten months  twenty months to be exact now. They have been the best months thus far. There have been days with meltdowns, days I wanted to throw in the towel and days I could loose my shit. But because of Stella, those days are still some of the best.

I am incredibly fortunate to be able to stay home another year with her. I really thank one person for making this hubby. he works his ass off so i can stay home and raise Stella. For this I will forever be grateful. 

Bring on another great year. 

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