Wednesday, July 16, 2014

the little things...ten of them.

I am loving everyday with little miss Stella. I am truly blessed to get to experience all that I do with her. It doesn't take much to please me lately. I really have learned that it's all about the little things... I put together a list of ten things. Ten things that are currently pleasers to me...

1. The smiles I get from a quick ride in the laundry basket are priceless. 
2. Whether it be waking up in the morning, waking from a nap, or waking up during the night to be changed, she can't lay a smooch on me fast enough as I am picking her up out of her crib. Talk about a heart melter
3. Without a doubt I have a sweet tooth. I would give up a hot dinner night after night, to indulge in a hot dessert. The past two nights, when Stella is sound asleep for the night I have made Rick and I a hot dessert. I bet you can guess the main ingredient? Yes, peaches! Monday, I made us (was going to be grilled, but mother nature said otherwise) roasted peaches topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and granola. Yesterday, I made a peach crostata, topped with vanilla ice cream. Baby fast asleep + hot yummy dessert = pure heaven!
4. I really do wait all year for cherries to be in season. I can't buy them fast enough this time of year. I also can't open the fridge without having one :) They are not the easiest of fruit to share though...that damn pit!

5. Stella's funny faces have me at snort. 
6. These kinds of moments.

7. I always find it challenging to find the perfect time to polish my nails. Toes are easy because I don't need them like I need my fingers. I try to either paint them as soon as she falls asleep for her morning nap, or wait until the weekends when Rick is home. I always feel when I finish painting them, and they are still wet, she is going to wake up. I sit there like a mad woman, blowing on them to make them dry faster. Love me some fresh polished nails. 
8. Nana loaded Stella up with bubble equipment. I never knew how much light headedness a bubble machine would save me. :) 

9. This hair. 

10. Don't get me wrong, waking up to Rick's smiles in the morning are great..but these smiles, simply perfect. I am sure Rick would second me on this one....:) "good morning sunshine."

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