Friday, July 25, 2014

11 months...Say what?!?

Dear little miss Stella,
     This has been such an amazing month. I feel like our Momma- Daughter relationship has grown so much. You make me laugh every single day. I really cannot believe my little baby is going to be one next month. You've made this past year one of the best years ever. I tell you all the time but you are beautiful, smart, so loving, curious and you are definitely a girl who knows what she wants!  I am enjoying my time with you more than you will ever know. And no matter how big you grow, you will always be my sweet baby girl.

Love you to the moon and back,

Weight: Not totally sure. We will find out in one month. If I had to guess, I would say somewhere around the 20 lb marker!

Appetite: Your appetite is very much the same as last month but I would say has gotten better. We have changed our milk schedule a tad so you are taking in more whole foods. We still eat all three at the kitchen table. Many of the times, we have the same foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lately your favorite foods have been pickles, yes pickles, nectarines, yogurt, pasta and still avocado! Your milk intake is some where between 12-16 ounces a day and you love love love water! You still are not much of a juice fan, much do enjoy sipping on my lemonade :) Water is drank throughout the day and especially with meals. We are still working on the milk in the sippy cup but it is definitely not as easy as I was hoping! When I said game on last month I should have meant it more! What a challenge this is. And how can I forget?!  You are drinking cows milk, no more formula! 

Clothing Size: You are in both 6-12 and12-18 month clothing. Some items are bigger on you than others. All of your pajamas are 12 months! Lastly, your shoes are still 3-6 months and are still wearing size 4 diapers!! Momma is getting excited for fall clothing! I always loved a baby in cute hats and puffer vest!

Milestones: I feel like so much has changed and you have learned so much. You are buzzing around incredibly fast in your walker, you are taking a few steps on your own to either daddy or I, you say momma, dada, nananana, and when you're tired you whine what sounds like night night. When you want something or see something you yell 'ABA' or 'Ah' as you point at it. You can identify so many things such as your toy lion, Momma's hair, your belly, Mickey and Minnie in your deck of cards, your Blankey,  your cup, your piggies and Ellie. I'm sure there are more that I am forgetting. You don't and probably will never crawl. But if you want something bad enough you will do something that looks like the army crawl, you scooch on your belly.  You can finally drink out of a straw!

Thoughts: Stella... I love you so so much. 

Our routine: Thank goodness that waking up at 6 AM crap only happens once in a while now. However, you are like clockwork. I swear there is an alarm clock in your room that goes off at 6:45 each morning. After you wake up I bring you down into our bed where we watch a cartoon and you enjoy your first morning milk bottle and sometimes a small cup of Cheerios and I enjoy my morning cup of Joe. Around 7:15 or so we make our way into the living room and play for a bit. We eat breakfast together anywhere between 7:30and 8 o'clock. After our breakfast we brush our teeth together and head out for a nice morning walk. Of course we skip the walk on rainy days.  Not long after our walk do you go down for her morning nap. You usually go down anywhere around 9:30 and sleep for an hour and a half. This is when we head out if we are going out for the day sometimes for lunch, or after lunch. We both eat lunch around noon. I love our lunch dates! You take your second and last nap in the afternoon anywhere between 2 and 3 and sleep for another hour and a half.  We have dinner at 6 and bath time follows. After your bath we have some special playtime with Daddy and off to bed at 7:30. Our bedtime routine has been great lately. We relax in your glider and you drink your milk cap for the night and off to bed when you are done. In between your naps and meals we play, play, play! 

Your favorites: Lately your favorites have been being chased around the house in your walker, going out for walks, anything Mickey or Minnie, tubby time, rolling around without a diaper, your Blankey, reading books, especially turning the pages in the books and walking while holding onto someone's hand.

Momma’s Favorites: Some of my favorites lately have been the cool mornings for our walks of course, anything pumpkin, our ice cream and lunch dates, all of the new fall scents out, planning your birthday party, having conversations with you while we are driving and being able to be home with you each and every day. 

Happy 11 months baby girl....

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