Friday, July 4, 2014

My little artist

Our morning started with a little 4th of July eve breakfast. Stella enjoyed some plain yogurt, with diced strawberries and blueberries and a few whole wheat toast sticks. Woohoo to red, white and blue.

Stella and I made a quick Target and Michael's Crafts run yesterday morning. We picked up a few canvas boards and some other things. Momma was up a free Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks and was down a pair of sunglasses by the time we were out of the store. One swift throw out of the cart and the shade came flying out of the cracked lens..thank you miss stella. 

"I'm sorry Momma- I didn't mean to break your sunglasses"
Love a babe in red, white and blue!
While Stella napped, I sat in the kitchen; TV off, paint brushes out. It was so peaceful and quiet. I worked on a little painting myself to hang in Stella's room. When I decide where to hang them, I will share. Here is a little sneak peak for now...

And I finally did it. I bit the bullet and we did a little finger painting. Holy crap- what a mess! It was well worth it though because she had a grand ole' time! Here are a few pictures from our painting escapade- who am I kidding...a shit load of pictures. 

And the final product.... we're taking orders ;)

Happy Happy 4th of July!

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