Thursday, July 17, 2014

finger, I mean body painting,

After a quick run to Target yesterday for a few household goods, and a stop at the dollar spot we came home to an open afternoon that needed to be filled with some sort of activity. The humidity has made us housebound, not wanting to do anything outside (we squeezed out one walk this week in town and to the bank- it was flat out gross,) We all know Momma goes bat-shit crazy after a few days in the house. We scored a few finds at the dollar spot. Two of course that Stella took a liking to immediately- hmm.. I wonder why?

The other two, I like. The tins have a small chalkboard on them to label them. I thought these would be a cute touch to her nonexistent at the moment art table for two that is going to go into her playroom. The other is a set of three blank art books. I thought these would be perfect to start a collection of her finger paints and date them as we go.

When we got home she went down for a nap. This gave me time to fill up her pool and set up her paints, paper and such. I decided to leave off her clothes this time when painting and we would paint outside- that way I could stick her right into the pool for a wash down. I wasn't sure really how much paint was going to get on her, but the pool was there if needed. Apparently, her body looked more appealing to paint then her art paper.

The rest is history...

Thank goodness for the pool. 

  Little do you know your art work is loved by many. One of your very first cavnas is displayed front and center in Grandma's kitchen. Each piece that you make is a one of a kind and they are all filled with love. Your little hands created them, and they are beautiful. Keep painting little darling. 

Love, Momma

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