Monday, July 7, 2014

Stella's first 4th of July

Is it so? Is it really Stella's last 'first' holiday? We had to do it right. As much red, white and blue as possible. And that started with breakfast. I made Rick and I blueberry flap jacks with sliced strawberries and that is just what the little munchkin had- except they were minis. She devoured the mini pancakes! Of course she poked out all of the blueberries first :)

It was a nice low key day spent just the three of us- since we weren't barbecuing until Saturday. So we enjoyed a lunch date as a family, and made a few chocolate covered strawberries.

Rick and I planned on taking Stella to her first firework show. We knew she was either going to love them or hate them. Stella is usually in her crib by 7:30/8ish and the show didn't start until 9:30; I was kind of curious how keeping her up that late was going to be. This was actually the first time we really kept her up and out for that matter past her bedtime. I followed our normal bedtime routine and just decided to take her in her pj's. That sounds pretty damn good- watching fireworks in cozy pajamas, sucking down a bottle. Good thing she thought so to. We sat right by the river and watched the firework show. The reflection on the water was beautiful. Stella was mesmerized. She would get impatient when there were short pauses before the next bunch went off. Overall it was a great experience.

I was hoping that since she went to bed much later, she would sleep much later. Ha! That wasn't the case at all! As a matter of fact she was up at 6:45 a.m. stella's time- too early Momma's time.  

Taking Stella to see fireworks is offically crossed off our Summer bucket list! Onto the next adventure! 

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