Sunday, July 13, 2014

Peach Picking

Okay so we broke the rules. But who doesn't give one ten juicy peaches a try while picking? On Saturday we took Stella peach picking back at Melick's Farm. It was hot and buggy, but all worth it. We set out to the peach trees with a wagon and a couple of baskets for the peaches. 

Nothing better than biting into a soft, ripe peach and the sticky juices running down your arm. Stella wanted to take a bite out of every peach that we picked. 

We like to work for our fruit..

15 lbs of peaches later....

Stella and I have some baking and cooking planned for this week! We made a little checklist and on it reads: peach crisp baked in mason jars, peach cobbler, peach frozen yogurt, peach iced tea, and peach pecan muffins. We are going to turn healthy fruit into naughty treats!

Another fun adventure crossed off the Summer bucket list. :)

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