Friday, August 22, 2014

Catching up...

I have really been using every single nap that Stella takes to work on her party. Between beginning my DIY projects for her party and finding items to order as good as I am imagining are consuming much of my time. I have a vision that I hope I can make. I chose to enjoy this party more for myself (if that doesn't sound selfish) and skipped the character theme and went with a pretty color scheme that fits Stella.  I have been finding most of the items that fit the party on Etsy. Some I chose to purchase and those that I could make myself I went that route. it's just about finding the time :)  I keep telling myself I will do this or that when she falls asleep for the night; but who am I kidding I am right behind her each night.

We have been keeping busy with errands this week, a lunch date and keeping up on our walks. Not only does Stella really enjoy them; as we are walking she reaches out and yells "ABA at everything",  they also make me feel like I am getting a bit of exercise in. Which I can really use these days!

So much has changed this past month. Stella has grown and changed in so many ways- her personality, her favorite foods... She is always making Rick and I laugh and our interaction during the day is incredible. We have full out conversations together- I just wish I knew what she was saying back to me.  I am excited to begin working on her 11 month update. happy tears and sad tears.

Yesterday we made a needed run to Target for household goods and a big box of Pampers! On the way home I decided to make a pit stop at Jimmy's to share a kiddie cone. The time before last we also got a kiddie cone to share and she took a few licks of it and was done. I thought the same for this time so I ordered one cone in kiddie size. get in my preggo belly :)  Let's just say more ended up in her belly than mine ;) She even ate the cone! Every time I went to take a lick to keep it from melting down the cone, she gave me the look like not too much Momma, it's my turn. Proof that the cone was enjoyed, and someone had static in their hair :)

I am starting to see more pumpkin flavored things all around. This is making me more and more excited for fall! One of Stella and I's next recipes will definitely be pumpkin flavored. Hopefully she shares a love for pumpkin with me because Rick is not really a fan!

Cheers to Friday! 

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