Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekend Recap and Baby Bump: 16 Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: We will find out Sept. 15 :) I am leaning towards boy?!
Weight gain: 4 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: Not yet. But I did break out the belly band in order to wear a pair of my shorts more comfortably this weekend :)
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleep is the same. Long stretches of solid sleep are far and few in between. Getting up to pee in the middle of the night doesn't help either. 
Best moment this week:  Hearing baby's heartbeat- a healthy 160 and my fro yo date with little miss. 
Worst moment this week: Nausea was back with a vengeance and decided to hang around for a few days. 
Miss anything:  I was eyeing up a pitcher of red sangria with fresh fruit this weekend...I could of really of went for a tall glass of red sangria! 
Movement: A few flutters here and there :) Waiting for those love kicks...
Cravings: Had a crazy craving this week for black bean nachos. After eating almost the entire plate I didn't feel so well and still can't even think about them. 
Queasy or sick: Feeling good.
Looking forward to: More planning for Stella's first birthday party!

Another weekend flew by. Rick ended up working on Saturday so it was the little babe and I for breakfast, without hubby. I look forward to our little family breakfasts. For only the second time ever, I decided to make German pancakes aka dutch babies. They are an airy and eggy pancake dusted with powdered sugar that is much easier to make than standing at the stove flipping pancakes. It is cooked at a high temp in the oven in a cast iron skillet. We topped our German pancake with sliced and diced strawberries. To add a little more calcium to Stella's breakfast, I spread a layer of raspberry pear yogurt on her pancake. Let's just say Stella chowed down.

Later that day we had cousin Dewey's surprise 30th birthday. Since Rick was at work, I made myself list after list in order to not forget anything. Being out with an almost toddler these days requires a trailer of shit. I began loading the truck early so I was more likely to be out on time. After breakfast, we walked, napped, played, had lunch, and took a bath and in between I got our things together and loaded up what felt like the house. If I could just hook up the house and tow that behind, life would be much easier. All in all, we got out on time and somehow forgot nothing. Go me!  It did help that Stella was a gem all morning. 

The lack of pictures from the party was because Rick and I were busy walking Stella balloon to balloon. Now that she can walk holding onto a hand, she is non-stop...go go go. 

Our rooster daughter provided us with our unordered wake up call at 6:15 a.m. on Sunday morning UGH! Our long day on Saturday and early morning on Sunday left me with no energy to cook breakfast so healthy (haha) bagels it was. Stella also enjoyed 1/2 of toasted wheat bagel with cream cheese, diced grapes and a yogurt. We enjoyed a coloring session at her table, and some extra couch time before getting ready to head out to soak up some sun and fill our bellies with lunch. 

We decided to head into Clinton for a nice walk and lunch waterside. A stop at the coffee shop for a decaf iced caramel macchiato was a must :)

Of course Momma had to sign the chalkboard wall before leaving...

In a nutshell, it was a great weekend. Busy, yet relaxing if that is at all possible. I am going to soak up this last month before my baby girl becomes a toddler..... eek!

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