Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Chocolate buttercream frosting and lunch meat sushi.

Stella and I finally got baking. It's been a while...too long.

This pregnancy has kicked my chocolate loving frenzy in high gear. I have been trying to nail down a good chocolate buttercream frosting from scratch for some time. I like me a fudgy chocolate frosting that is not overly sweet. I think Stella and I knocked it out of the ballpark with our frosting today. I finally found a go to chocolate buttercream frosting. I can't stop eating these mini gems!! I love the bite size cupcakes because you cam pop em' right in your mouth!

The recipe for this Chocolate Butter Cream Frosting.
2 3/4 cups of powdered sugar
2/3 cups of unsweetened cocoa powder
6 Tbl butter, softened
5 Tbl milk or cream
1 tsp vanilla

1. Sift together powdered sugar and cocoa powder.
2. in mixer cream butter.
3. gradually add sifted sugar and cocoa, alternating with the milk
4. add the vanilla

I had my little helper in the kitchen with me while making the yellow butter cupcakes that our chocolate buttercream would top. All was good and dandy until she decided to wave the batter filled spatula like she just don't care. Then to top it all off, she picked up the stick of butter and took a big ole' bite out of it. Momma threw in the red flag.

I miss both sushi and a plain old lunch meat sandwich. While on our Monday food shop, I picked up some prepackaged Applegate Naturals organic turkey breast. Since Momma can't have sushi, she had to improvise. We made lunchmeat sushi rolls. We cut the crust off of our 12 grain bread, and rolled it nice and flat with a rolling pin. We then spread a thin layer of cream cheese and layered one slice of turkey breast, one slice of cheese, a sliver of a pickle and some shredded cabbage for crunch! Roll it up and cut it into pieces. Yumm-o! Of course Stella's plate looked a bit different. Her rolls were deconstructed and diced up small. :) But we both enjoyed.

I love having fun with food. Stella inspires me to be creative ;)

Yesterday also marked the first day of Stella's gradual transition onto cows milk. She has lost interest in  the formula lately and just refuses it. I am lucky if she drinks 12 ounces a day. My plan is to boost her fruit and veggie intake to reduce the chance of constipation and gas. This girl loves water, thank goodness her water intake is just perfect so that should help too. I chose to put her on Horizon Organic 2% cows milk with DHA-Omega 3 since the DHA is one huge benefit from drinking formula; especially since we aren't waiting until 1 to switch.  Fingers crossed she likes it and it agrees with her little belly :)

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