Sunday, August 10, 2014

Baby Bump: 15 weeks

Stella's easel it is! My own chalkboard is not done, but the playroom is! That is a huge check on my list of things to get done! Stella loves her playroom! The only thing left to get for her playroom is her teepee which Rick and I are getting her for her birthday.'s a surprise! ;)

How far along: 15 weeks
Gender: We will find out Sept. 15 :) I wonder what's brewing inside....
Weight gain: Not sure of weight gain. I will find out Thursday...eek!
Maternity clothes: Not yet. 
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleep is okay. Stella has been on a 6 a.m. wake up call lately..ugh!
Best moment this week:  Rick and I had our second date night out since little miss was born. Back to Ryland Inn for our anniversary! The food was so damn good.
Worst moment this week: Practically on my hands and knees in the mulch in the food store parking lot searching for my diamond earring that fell out. I was not leaving without it! (I did find it!)
Miss anything:  An old-fashion from the Ryland Inn. Was very jealous watching Rick sip one down at dinner. I think I might have been drooling... ;)
Movement: Felt a few flutters again this week. Enjoy your flipping and tumbling in there little bean while there is room. 
Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. Give me something sweet and I am good to go. Gummy bears or fro yo?! 
Queasy or sick: Feeling good.
Looking forward to: More cool morning post breakfast walks this week. 

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