Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Stella's playroom, former dining room is done.Woohoo! Everything except for her teepee! I thought I was going to regret painting over that red because I really loved it. But, that is not the case. I love having all of her toys arranged in one room and I truly forgot how much room my living room had. It was swallowed by Stella's thousands of toys. We at times play in the playroom, and at times we choose some toys and play in the living room while Mickey is on. If we are in the living room, the points and says 'ah!' trying to tell me that she wants something. I can get her every single toy and she still wants something else. It's also conveniently next to the kitchen so I can easily watch her play as I am preparing dinner. Overall it was a great choice. The playroom will get much more use than that dining room ever got. And I am definitely getting my exercise because she constantly wants to walk back and forth from living room to playroom.

I spy a little human..... She really blends right in?! 

For my next project? I have so many to choose from.. ;) I definitely plan on finishing my own chalkboard with Rick's help, but we will be eventually moving upstairs to change the guest bedroom into baby #2's nursery! 

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