Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Thursday...

We have been outside as much as possible lately, thank you to these kick ass temperatures. We had two days of missed morning walks this week because of the crappy storms so yesterday was a relief. Our day started with my doctor appointment so we once again had to postpone our morning walk until later that day. After lunch I took her for a Thursday treat...fro yo?! and a walk around Clinton. We went to see the waterfall, all of the geese and just enjoyed being outside. I love the excitement that she gets when she sees the fro yo cups and spoons....she is def like her Momma; a gal with a sweet tooth.

I have definitely learned to share more these days and not just my, well our, fro yo! Whatever I make her, which is usually almost identical to what I am eating just diced up more, isn't as desirable as what is on my plate. Her diced up strawberries clearly don't compare to my hulled berries. She nonchalantly pulls over my plate and swipes my food. You guessed it; I end up eating hers. Yum, picked over food... ;)

Later that day, after our fro yo and her afternoon nap we went out for a walk. For some reason, she feels the need to hold on. Who said cup holders are just for cups?! Maybe because of our super bumpy roads. Not sure if they will ever pave them?!

All in all, it was a great gals day out. Love my dates with my little miss. Also, loving that it is Friday and Rick is home for the weekend!  Cheers to that! 

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