Friday, August 8, 2014

Most recent Love list

I was recently thinking of the number of things that I am loving these days...besides staying home and doing all the day to day fun things with my little miss. So here they are....

1. Our early morning-after breakfast walks in pj's and left over breakfast still on our face. We have been having some cool mornings, so there is no better time than a post breakfast pj walk. The roads that we walk on are so pretty, the view of the mountain in the distance with the clouds hovering was worth a quick pic.

2. Kind of piggy backing onto the cool mornings...I am so excited for fall next month. Don't get me wrong, I love Spring and Summer, but Fall wins the cake for me. Maybe because I am a pumpkin freak for everything pumpkin and all of the fall scents. No pumpkin ales for me this year :(  When I walked outside a few mornings ago to feel the cool temps, the dew set on the grass and elsewhere just reminded me of fall for some reason. Maybe because I also saw this. Bring on Fall!

3. Stella has such a personality now. I love love love being silly with her. 

4. There is just something about opening a stocked fridge :) 

5. Screw the pool, let's play with the hose. Love the love that this girl has for water. 

6. These baby blues are looking bluer than ever.

7.  Watching these moments first hand...

8. These window markers are so neat! Not only for doodling....Rick asks me like four a hundred times a day 'what's for dinner?"  sometimes twice in one conversation! So I thought I could just start using these markers to write the dinner menu on the sliding glass door for when he gets home... ;)

9. Baking with my little baker. And of course the warm gooey chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. 

10. Not sure if it's the preggo sweet tooth but gummy bears, Riesens (forgot how damn good they are) and Outshine Strawberry popsicles have been on my top favorite go to sweets list. Also very much enjoying a decaffinato lungo nespresso espresso with a dallop of cool whip once the little one is sound asleep. Does sound asleep really exist when teething is taking place?!

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