Monday, August 4, 2014

Baby Bump: 14 Weeks

Nope! No Chalkboard. Way too much running around this weekend. With Rick's grandparents being up from NC and having a baby shower, I felt like we were on the go go go. I have a free week to work on it! Rick put Stella's chalkboard easel together so I was planning on using that, but I honestly didn't even have time to whip up a fun 14 week chalkboard. I definitely feel like I am filling out sooner this time around. I remember with Stella I wasn't in larger or maternity clothing for that matter until 22 weeks. That is not going to be the case this time! 

How far along: 14 weeks
Gender: We will find out Sept. 15 :) 
Weight gain: Not sure of weight gain it was 3 lbs two weeks ago. 
Maternity clothes: Not yet. Some of my shorts are feeling a bit snug lately.  Loving loose tees. 
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleeping okay. Waking up with the damn night sweats.
Best moment this week:  Felt flutters from the little bean and Stella got to meet her great grandparents. 
Worst moment this week: Not sure I had one....
Miss anything:  I can go for a Stella Cider! Yum Yumm!
Movement: Felt a few flutters! 
Cravings: Still loving fruit these days and more than ever enjoying my morning cup of coffee first thing in the a.m. 
Queasy or sick: Feeling good. Had a few nausea waves, but nothing I can't handle ;)
Looking forward to: Ordering the invites for Stella's birthday party and getting the playroom done!

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