Saturday, August 23, 2014

Baby Bump: 17 Weeks

Time is really flying by. It's hard to believe that in three weeks we will know the gender (if he or she decides to cooperate of course) and we will be half way! Eek! It is also VERY hard to believe that my little babe is going to be 1 year old in just one month. I will officially be a Momma of a toddler! 

How far along: 17 weeks
Gender: Sept. 15 is the magic date :) 
Weight gain: Not sure. As of 16 weeks it was 4.5 lbs, I am sure it's a bit more than that
Maternity clothes: Not yet...definitely rocking cozy clothes around the house and wearing my belly band with some of my shorts now. 
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleep has been really shitty lately. Not sure what to blame it on. 
Best moment this week:  Holding Stella in her glider while she drank her nightly milk cap and feeling the baby fluttering in my belly.  my two babies..xoxo
Worst moment this week: Having a cabinet shelf of salad plates and mugs come crashing down on me. We have only 4 lonely mug survivors. a small part of me always wanted mismatched mugs.
Miss anything:  Looking at a menu with sushi on it while out for lunch this week made me crave a salmon roll...yumm
Movement: Flutters, flutters and more flutters. Also think I felt my first little love kick. 
Cravings: Sweets! Anything sweet! Favorite fruits have been Gala apples and red grapes. Some of my other favorites lately have been Noosa pumpkin yoghurt-pure heaven, V8 lemonade, and Turkey Hill Light Extreme cookies n' cream ice cream. 
Queasy or sick: Feeling good.
Looking forward to: Packages arriving this week of items I ordered for Stella's birthday party!!

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