Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fall, Where art Tho?

So I am blogging down in the office now and I am not sure I like it so much. I feel like I am in a closed box and need to think of things to write, where sitting somewhere upstairs multitasking things come to me much easier. this is not going to work. Anyway, I finally started on Stella's 11 month update. This is the biggest month of changes yet, I think anyway. I will have her update up hopefully tomorrow. Getting her to sit for pictures is like pulling damn teeth. Know I see why professional pictures cost so much money for kiddies.

We have been keeping busy lately with errands and such, getting things for Stella's party. I have also been on a streak of new dinner recipes. I feel like every now and then I find myself in a dinner slump making the same recipes over and over again. At the same time I want Stella to have a broad palate. I cannot complain about her eating habits, I truly think they rock. I also think this new hair style rocks, what do you think? is that hair gel?? haha!  I am not quite sure which I like more- the hair or the facial expression!

I have finally made a treat jar trail mix- it has been f.o.r.e.v.e.r. The canister was already half eaten by the second day. We definitely missed it around here! I was going to add my fall leaf sprinkles but figured I would save those for after labor day! Treat jar mix paired with a fresh blueberry lemonade- yes, please!
We are so ready for fall over here! I made my first pumpkin cookie recipe of the year! Delish! Rick and I also took Stella for a shopping haul over at the babyGap for fall clothing. Her winter hat?! If they had it in my size I totally would have bought it to match her! ( it will be in her 11 month update) I fell in love with babyGap's choice of fall colors this year- especially the mustard yellow. I also love this cat hat for the season! I think it will be a must buy, and it's even on sale!

Our morning walks have been simply the best. Stella and I's conversations are priceless and so are the sights that we see... 

I am going to soak up this last month with my little babe before she turns one. Say What?! This year has been one of the quickest years of my life, yet the best. Now I am off to attempt Stella's 11 month pictures once again...

This was definitely a first and a last time blogging in the office downstairs. Not a fan! 

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