Tuesday, August 5, 2014

More tiny tot bites

We have been making Stella's whole food intake priority over the formula. At the same time, we are working on the milk in the sippy cup ordeal, which is not going easily. She simply refuses to drink the milk. I am hoping that when we transition from formula to whole milk that it makes the milk in the sippy cup easier. To her, formula and bottle go together not formula and cup. Like any of us, some days she eats more than others and as a mom, one of my constant worries is is she eating enough? She is no doubt a pasta and pizza lover, especially homemade pizza. She still loves avocado, and is digging yogurt these days. Below is a small collection of what's been filling her belly lately...


French toast, apple yogurt, diced plums and bananas

Stella Doro egg biscuit, diced cherries and an apple yogurt

scrambled eggs, buttered toast, blueberry yogurt and diced cherries

scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and diced bananas

oatmeal with diced blueberries and buttered toast

mini blueberry pancakes, plain yogurt and diced strawberries


Pasta Fagoili soup, and an oatmeal applesauce craisin muffin

No time for a picture...here she is eating organic mac n cheese and shredded chicken
shredded chicken breast, broccoli pasta salad


grilled bbq chicken, baked potato with a drop of sour cream, and sauteed zucchini

english muffin pizza, diced cherries and diced avocado

turkey sausage crumbles, baked potato with sour cream and sauteed zucchini
ziti with meat sauce
Bon Appetit!

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