Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Mixed up weekly activities

Our daily activities have been a bit screwy lately. We have still been up to things, just not on the exact day of the week. We do things a little backwards sometimes...that's how we roll. On Monday it was a trip to the Basil Bandwagon where I get Stella's organic eatings from. Yes! They! Did! They opened a new fro yo place right near the organic food store! Ha! Damn skippy we had to try it. Stella and I made a bee line for some fro yo. The flavors in this one killed all other fro yo places by far! Stella catches on soon as she sees me grab the fro yo bowl and start pulling down on those self serve guessed bird with reaching arms!  Graham cracker and cinnamon roll are my jam! I am sure I will find any excuse to make my way back near that shopping plaza just to stop for some more of that delishness! Every single time I ask for two spoons and we still end up sharing one because she likes to suck her spoon clean and toss it on the floor. This time we ended up eating it cave man style as both spoons were tossed on the floor....thank you Stella. 

Tuesday was the weekly grocery store food shop. Meal planning which I started doing at the beginning of this year has been one of the best things I have ever done. It not only saves me time in the food store...because with a babe- time is always limited- it saves me so much money. I used to walk around the store and just throw the usual things in the cart and try to figure out each night what was going to be on the menu which usually included a quick run to the market for a missing ingredient. Now daily meals are planned,  as far as even writing them down on the calendar(on the fridge), ingredients are purchased and no extra trips are necessary. Quicker meals are planned for busy days and longer meals are planned on days that we have an open agenda. Anyway, after our food trip yesterday, with fresh ingredients we made strawberry rubarb crumble cupcakes with a dollop of fresh strawberry whip! Stella enjoyed one after her dinner without the whip..well actually Ellie enjoyed eating it in the end. Speaking of Ellie...her favorite spot during dinner is right underneath that height chair. I think she is liking having Stella around more lately- she has never eaten so good. Ha! 

I planted some herbs this year and have been using them all the time! I kick myself in the ass for always buying them when I needed them and not planting my own earlier. Our archway walking into our backyard is looking beautiful lately. One side is a wisteria tree and the other is clematis. 

Well, that is what has been going on in a nut shell over here. Can I get an Amen! for the warm weather! I will be taking that back when the AC bill arrives...haha! 

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