Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What's cooking Wednesday, except it's Tuesday

Stella and I have a lunch date tomorrow with Nana. Because of our busy Wednesday tomorrow, I can't skip What's cooking Wednesday?! So we got baking today instead. I'm not sure if it's been the warmer weather outside or what it is..but I have had a craving for everything smores! So with what we had on hand we made little smores pies. They were sooo yummy, especially hot and gooey out of the oven. They were little special pie pockets filled with gooey marshmallows, melted chocolate chips, and crushed graham crackers baked and sprinkled with a little brown sugar.Surprisingly I didn't eat them all.

In the midst of dropping Stella's mattress in her crib, I snapped a few pictures of her....

Okay and for this picture.....if this isn't Rick as a baby! I will have to do a post on a comparison between them too.

The nasty humidity didn't keep us in from our walk around the block today. As we were walking the homestretch we met a four legged friend...

I finally bought the paint to do hand and foot prints of Stella's hands and feet. I'll be honest; I'm a little nervous. I keep reminding myself the paint is washable...She loves playing in anything gooey and mushy. I could be in for a greater mess than I am imagining! 

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