Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tuesday's story

Today was one of those days that makes being a Momma fun. Minus the meltdown at lunch and literally getting shit on by a bird. We spent the day home, going from pool to swing, back to pool, blew bubbles, tried to eat the bubbles and catch the bubbles, shared snacks on the deck, napped and went back in the pool. These are the kinds of things I have always dreamed of doing with a little one.

 I filled Stella's pool nice and early so the hot sun would warm it up a bit for her and set out towels and sunscreen on the table. After our morning breakfast, morning play session and morning nap we both, yes both, suited up. This casper looking body of mine can afford a few sun rays. Before heading outside Stella chuggalugged her bottle as I brought a few more things outside. I finally set Stella in the pool, I took out my phone and got ready to take her picture....that is when it happened. Nasty bird shit ran down my hair, slid down my sunglasses and landed on my phone. Absolutely-effing disgusting. thank you a-hole bird.  I wasn't prepared for that. I hope you are ready for a photo is our Tuesday story told in pictures....

It was such a fun special day.  She was pooped to say the least and was in bed sleeping by 7:30 after Rick gave her a bath and had her evening milk fix. Tomorrow is another day :)

You are the closest i will ever come to magic....

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