Sunday, June 29, 2014

One of those onsie-kind-of weekends.

Temps were hot and the agenda was pretty low key. Therefore, Stella lived in onsies all weekend. Cozy for her and I can just adore those chubby legs and endless rolls. Rick did yard work all weekend, so Stella got a few free tractor rides, we blew bubbles on the picnic blanket in the shade and she took a dip in her pool. Saturday was a rough one from start to finish. Stella woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was a crankass all day long. it was just one of those days. I blame it on the tooth! Her top right tooth finally broke gum! Hallelujah- thank you baby Jesus! Only how many more to go?!

Saturday night was the first night in 9 months that I wasn't home to put Stella to bed. Some people may call that pathetic? But I just call it- love being home. Dinner plans with some gals was on the nights agenda. As I was getting myself ready, I threw together dinner for both her and Rick. I knew I wanted to leave by a certain time but I found myself feeding her dinner and just saying okay, one more bite and than I am going to go...okay one more bite... I was of course rushing out of the door and just as I stepped outside, I turned back and asked Rick if my clothes matched?! Now typically I would ponder and throw together a few outfits before hand- but I found myself wanting to feed her and spend those few extra minutes with her than checking my clothes to makes sure they match. Rick's response?! Yea, black goes with everything. Except my shirt wasn't black, it was blue! Thanks honey. Some things just don't matter as much anymore. I enjoyed being out and chatting it up but I found a small part of me wanting to be home putting her in her crib and saying goodnight. Even though the past few, okay more than few, nights have been rough, one day she is going to turn to Rick and I and say- I don't want to sit on your lap and I don't want to be rocked. tear. rick better have a box of kleenex ready for that day.  I gotta bank these days while I have them. On a typical night I hope that Stella goes to sleep for the night, to wake in the a.m happy and ready to play. But, I found myself happy and excited when she got up at 4 a.m. for an early feeding. 

Sunday was a better day...she woke up happy and on the right side of the bed :) These are blurry because she wouldn't stop moving! 

I do love girls' day!

Cheers to the weekend!

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