Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tiny tot bites

Stella's appetite is so hot and cold lately. One day she can eat us out of house and home and the next she has no interest in food once so ever- just give me the milk! On those no appetite days especially, I find myself trying a variety of things to see if they just might be the winner! Fingers crossed- the last two days she has been eating like momma's little piggy :) She also has days where she rather feed herself and is not into the purees and other days where she would rather be fed from a spoon. No matter what meal she is having, I always offer something on her tray so she can pick it up and feed herself. She has really mastered that skill using her pointer finger and thumb- always with the right hand. There are times she will only want what is on my plate. Tricky Momma sometimes puts Stella's food on my plate to look like mine, and there are other times I will just share my meal with her. The other night we made homemade pizza- she devoured my pizza! It was a plain tomato pie- no cheese- with fresh basil! That was after she ate her own dinner which was one ounce of each- chicken breast, roasted red pepper, zucchini, and sweet potato. That seems to be her most favorite combo lately! I sometimes forget that her tummy is so tiny and that it doesn't take much to fill it up. Here are just some other meals that we have been eating lately....
breakfast: a slice of whole grain toast spread with mashed avocado and mashed banana

breakfast: a slice of whole grain toast with a very thin layer of no sugar added jam and diced mango

Sometimes I cut her toast into toast strips instead of small pieces

breakfast: egg-less whole wheat french toast with strawberry cottage cheese and diced strawberries

Lunch: I usually have a whole wheat panini with avocado and she usually wants my sandy, so I toast her up a slice of whole wheat bread with avocado, and a side of cottage cheese with mashed strawberries

Lunch- cottage cheese pureed with frozen blueberries. Oh my is this good. I am guilty for eating some of her lunch on these days. It is like a frozen dessert. I usually serve this with diced turkey breast or diced avocado. 
Dinner: I made Rick and I fettuccine with an alfredo sauce and peas, except the sauce was made of cauliflower not cheese and milk. Since it was mainly veggies I threw some of our pasta in the food processor for Stella- she LOVED it.

So those were just a few of what this little tot has been eating! She is and I hope always will be a fruit fanatic- just like me! 

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