Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Felt like Summer

Yesterday felt like Summer to me. Not just because of the hot weather either. I had full intentions of filling up Stella's baby pool but time got away from us. Between our Monday morning food shopping trip (which she is making so enjoyable for me these days), to our trip into Clinton with Aunt Nikki for coffee-Stella skipped the coffee and had a tiny squirt of sugar free/non dairy pomegranate raspberry sorbet- and a short walk, Stella's naps and preparing and eating dinner, there was just no time. That doesn't mean Daddy didn't let her play with the hose water a bit after he was done watering the plants. The frigid water temps don't seem to bother her. Stella reminded me of my little self at the end of a hot Summer day. Skin left tacky from sweat and sunscreen, hair tousled from everything and anything, sunscreen and hose water in Stella's case, just plain tired from being outside. I remember the crisp cold bed sheets always felt so good after coming in on a hot hot day.


On another note... an iced caramel macchiato is the perfect drink on a hot Summer day. 

I am trying to come to terms that this little gal will be 9 months next week. Where the hell has the time gone? Time never ever seemed to go so fast until my days were filled with the best thing in the world. 

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