Saturday, June 14, 2014

A few random things

Friday was miserable out. But, it was Friday after all. Thank goodness. Momma was getting cabin fever from this week. Our walks were few and far in between, and our errands were usually cut short because of the nasty weather. I have been on an orange kick lately, and so has Stella. I love me a good ole' juicy orange cut into slices and so does Stella. She gets her hands down and sticky, picks one slice up, licks it, and throws it down for Momma to finish. She picks up another slice, licks it and throws it down for Momma to eat. So I get to enjoy the sloppy seconds..yum!

I get a real kick out of how she helps herself to her snacks these days. elieve it or not, she usually takes one at a time and eats it before taking another...

We also lit a few sparklers on Friday afternoon...

Weekend mornings are the best. When I hear Stella playing her crib, Rick goes up to get her and we have some play time in the bed just the three of us before breakfast. We keep the same few toys in our bedroom for mornings like this, and each morning when we take them out it's like they are brand new all over again; it's great! 

Saturday afternoon we took Stella for frozen yogurt...get in my belly cinnamon bun and  graham cracker! 

Stella's appetite has been for shit lately. She rather the milk than her solid meals. One day she loves chicken and potato and the next it's as good as garbage. One day she digs strawberries and yogurt and the next Ellie is lapping it up off the floor. Want to know what was on Stella's dinner menu tonight (which is not what I prepared for her) black olives and white cannellini beans. Go figure! She ate them like they were going out of style. Tomorrow she probably won't even give black olives the time of day. Tiny tots and their damn taste buds! 

We went for a evening walk tonight into town. It was after dinner and before Stella's usual bath time. The walk seemed to work a little magic for us....after she got cozy in her jammies, and chugged her milk, she soothed herself to right sleep with no glider action from Rick or I. Hallelujah- there is a God! 
Our walk was a blast tonight...walking home with these two, my cheeks hurt so much from smiling and laughing. I am so lucky and blessed. I have such a great team and love them dearly. 

Want a little video action of Stella and her puzzle? Click here.

Cheers to a Sunday Funday tomorrow and Rick's first official Father's Day! :)

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